Walnut Brewery's Asiago Cheese Dip
From Taste of Boulder, the cookbook of Boulder chef's recipes published for the 1995 Taste of the Nation benefit event. Sponsored by Share our Strength and held at the Glen Miller Ballrooom from about 1990-2005, the event helped raise money to feed the hungry.
3/4 cup Grated Asiago cheese
1/2 cup Sliced mushrooms
1/2 cup Sliced green onions
1/4 cup Reconstituted sundried tomatoes, julienned
2 cups Mayonnaise
2 cups Sour cream
Set aside 1/4 cup of the Asiago cheese, then combine the rest with the remaining ingredients. Mix well and put into a 1-quart baking dish. Sprinkle remaining cheese over the top. Bake at 350° for 10-15 minutes or until cheese on top is golden brown. Serve with slices of toasted Buffalo Gold Beer Bread.